note: earlier this month i travelled to new york for work, and took a spare evening to find a poetry café with an open mic. i settled on Nuyorican Poets Café in lower east side manhattan. i performed a short poem i’d recently written called ‘receding here’. you can listen to a recording of the performance below.
for some artistic self-criticism: i rate my performance a 5.9 out of 10. you’ll hear how i try to balance patience with gravitas, but am probably a little too ponderous in my delivery in parts. also think i did an okay job of holding the audience’s attention through the long pauses, but then again, it’s a poetry audience; they are usually forgiving with performers. it’s partly why i love poetry open mics. i might work a little more on the wording if i revisit it (see below audio player). open to suggestions (as long as they are improvements, lol). enjoy!
receding here
miss you
by my side
when you are gone
the house grows too big
the noise sounds too silent
cobwebs bring little comfort
shivers in the winter moonlight
art longer, colder, and more biting
when compared to that summer’s day
collapsing all sensations
friendly, and more friendly
shining revelries
here, receding