note: new flash fiction story, published in Issue 5 of Detritus magazine. includes samples from the Freesound library courtesy of MSFX, EFlexMusic, theshaggyfreak, sjturia, Maurice_J_K, Npeo, jpkweli, sv650nut, and audible-edge.
the height of diplomacy
A man walks into a bar, only to be thrown back out. Classy.
He picks his well-dressed mess of a self up, from his scuffed brogues to his stain dried jacket, and turns defiantly to face the bouncers standing at the entrance. Strong.
Then he fumbles keys from a trouser pocket and waves them in their direction.
‘Valet? Valet?’ he screams impatiently.
Silence. He staggers towards — and somehow into — a red coupé parked nearby.
‘IMMUNITY!’ the man roars, as he careens off into the night.
the height of diplomacy.png